About funding
There are a range of different funding options that are available when you realise you or a loved one needs care and support. This can be a worrying time but don’t panic. Our staff are knowledgeable about the process and are happy to provide an assessment of your funding options. We outline some of the options here – and there is more information available on our download – but please call for a chat.
Purchasing homecare
Our free home care assessment will ensure we know what is needed, what the cost is and how this might be funded. Typically, the options are: you may choose to pay privately; you may be eligible for state funded care; you may receive state funded care but this might not be enough for your care needs and you might want to ‘top up’ with private payments.
Funding care at home
The first thing to always do is see if there is any entitlement for care funding; there are different types of entitlement and you or your loved one may be able to access more than one of them. Some social care funding support is means tested or health and ability tested, whereas others are not. We can advise.
Depending on your circumstances you may need or wish to pay for your own care and support. Many of our users receive local authority support and ‘top up’ the support they receive by paying for extra things for themselves. You may also want to spread the cost among your family.
Direct payments
Following an assessment from your local Social Services, you have the right to ask for Direct Payments instead of having the care service arranged for you. This provides you with more flexibility and greater choice on who supports you, what time and how you’re supported. There are, however, some restrictions on who is available to receive Direct Payments.

“From the first day, the homecare team has shown an extraordinary level of commitment to my well-being. Their personalised approach has transformed my home into a place of comfort and support.”